M.Revak & Co. is a sole proprietorship, wholly owned & operated by Michael Green. Mr. Green has enjoyed & fed his passion for books since grade school. He interned at his school library and spent many Saturday hours with a close friend in bookstores in Phoenix, Arizona.

Twenty years ago his profession as a lawyer intersected with his bent for books when he facilitated a book sale and signing for Morris Dees of the SPLC. The following year he had an occasion to again engage in a similar event for consumer advocate Ralph Nader.

M. Revak & Co. has worked over 2,200 events with more than 3,000 authors. Clientele includes a number of speakers’ bureaus, The VA festival of the Book, Council of Great City Schools, Prevent Child Abuse America, American Academy of Achievement, Patients Out Of Time, and others too numerous to mention.

A partial list of authors appears on the Authors page.

Michael is a disabled Vietnam veteran, who, in addition to a career in law, has owned and operated a licensed business in landscape contracting, was a bulk mail handler for the US Postal Service, and spent his youth manually back-filling ditches (when not hanging out in pool halls). He graduated from the University of AZ Suma Cum Laude, is a Phi Betta Kappa, and an Eagle Scout.